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Team Extreme will be in Winchester at four separate skateparks during half term, see flyer below or our Calendar for more details.
Team Extreme are approaching the end of another busy year with shows and skatepark visits all over the UK.
Some of our summer events included Mini Ramp Shows at Liverpool's Sefton Park, Walthamstom and Humber Sesh in Hull. Jump Ramp Shows at Penarth Summer Festival and a company event for Fitted UK in Wetherby. Plus Flatland and Breakdance Shows at the Ipswich Maritime Festival.
Skatepark events have been coming thick and fast with a huge opening day at Hatfiled skatepark and other events with coaching, demos and competitions in Bognor Regis, Crewkerne, Romford, Ludlow, Buckingham and Scargreen.
Coaches and performers were also involved in a series of events in Greenwich, Ilford and Eastleigh across several of their skateparks throughout the summer.
A great thank you from our recent Skatepark event at Eastleigh Freespace.

Images below are from our most recent Jump Ramp Show which was a huge success at the Penarth Summer Festival.

The team have been out in force over the summer with BMX flatland shows in Bradford for the Tour De France and Bradford Urban Festival. Also we've run mini ramp shows in Donnington, Nottingham and Liverpool plus skatepark events in Buckingham, Kirkby in Ashfield and Barnsley.

More photos from Barnsley Skatepark Opening >>>
The 8th June saw our vert halfpipe hired on Regents Street, London for round 3 of the UK BMX Vert Series. The competition series was part of the Gumball3000 Rally.

More photos from the competition >>>
We were recently at the Bournemouth Wheels Festival with a special combination ramp connecting the Halfpipe and Spine ramp together into an amazing show. Check the video edit below from the show.

More photos from Bournemouth Wheels Festival Gallery >>>

Kilmarnock Skatepark coaching and mini ramp display.

Exclusive Skoda event.

Sandwell skatepark launch with displays and competition organised.
 Team Extreme were out in force with 10 performers and the skatepark at the UEFA London 13 Festival in Stratford during the summer Gallery>>>

Chewits Xtreme Tour - WestQuay shopping centre, Southampton

Braintree skatepark competition with demos and coaching sessions. View images from the day in the Gallery >>>
Team Extreme Show Reel Video:
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Hatfield Skatepark opening
Aug 2014

Bournemouth Wheels
Show 2014

Hamilton Show 2014

Ford EUFA London 13 Festival
Nerf Elite Show - Trafford Centre, Manchester

Alex Coleborn - Dorking


Bradford Urban Street Festival

Nerf Dart Tag, Portsmouth

Melton Mowbray Jubilee Show

Paul Meecher
- Westfield 
Jim Langran - Westfield

Zach Shaw - MK Skyride