Incredible spins, balance and technical tricks are performed
using bicycles in a way you would have never thought possible!
BMX flatland is the ultimate in bike control and by far the hardest discipline to master in BMX. It can be likened to breakdancing, with the rider twisting and contorting the bike around their body while balancing, spinning or rolling.
It's more of an artform than other styles of BMX, with an emphasis on creativity, style and originality as riders link and mix tricks together.
This show typically includes two BMX performers plus a commentator, but can be expanded to include more riders for a bigger show.
Flatland requires no equipment other than a level floor. This
versatility means that it is the ideal show to fit a small area,
inside or out. Well suited to stages, dance floors, school events
and shopping centres.
Contact us for quote on a flatland
show |